
Atlantic Avenue looking toward Nevins Street with the tower of the Williamsburg Savings Bank rising suggestively in the background.  On the left is the home of Ex-Lax, the chocolate flavored laxative that inspired countless adolescent suggestions that it be surreptitiously added so someone else’s chocolate pudding.  Also in the center foreground is an attractive 1951/52 Plymouth, its boxy shape designed especially to allow people enough headroom to drive while still wearing their hats.  1956 photo by Max Henry Hubacher.


Top photo: a 1950s street level view of the David WIlls house in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania when it still housed a business.  Wills hosted President Abraham Lincoln at the time of the writing of the Gettysburg Address, and was an instrumental figure in the creation of the Gettysburg National Cemetery.  The bottom 2010 photo shows the house restored to its historic appearance, a task accomplished in time for the 2009 bicentennial of Lincoln’s birth.

Top photo from AmeriCar the Beautiful; bottom photo from


The venerable Roseland Ballroom, as seen in 1978 when it was promoting itself as New York’s Disco Capital (see marquee).  This was actually the Roseland’s second location, its original NYC incarnation (Broadway at 51st) having been demolished in 1956.  This location (West 52nd Street) closed in April 2014.  Photo from the deleted flickr account of actionlog.